Students in Mark Lord's 2013 ENDGAMES course share resources and thinking here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Memorizing this text is really difficult. I, like Megan, also find myself rocking back and forth like a crazy person, and for some reason it really helps me get the words out--maybe its something to do with the rhythm of the text? I tried to stop rocking while reciting and not only could I not remeber the words as well, but I also developed other neurotic habits to compensate. I tried saying the words with my eyes shut and that didnt work for me either (I was trying to embody the mouth more by lessening my other senses). Like others have pointed out I am also nervous about the pacing of the text since we talked about the urgency of escaping thoughts by speaking over them. I tend to say these words slower because the text is so scattered, but I am trying to find images or words that link what I have identified as different sections together, and hopefully this helps with the pacing.

I am trying to really separate my mouth from other parts of my body; I am trying to emphasize and explore the way words situate themselves in the mouth. I am hoping to reach a point where my body is still and relaxed while my mouth performs various word acrobatics with ease. I have found that some of the theater exercises we do for mainstage--like the one where we target a specific body part and internally inspect it--are very useful.

happy memorizing to us.

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